Shoulder bags of the mini-matelasse are available from CHANEL! A combination of cute coloring and material of the tweed is wonderful. As it is the length of the chain shoulder which is available in a slant cliff, in the case of outing, both hands become vacant and are convenient at all. There are three pockets, and the functionality is outstanding, too! For both an errand and outing, your attendant usually, please. It is the item which is pleased with as a present. This opportunity without passing over! Color:red/navy/white Material:Tweed Size:W:20cm H:13cm D:8cm Shoulder:115cm Buckle:Champagne Gold HW Accessories:storage bags、Serial random (production after 2021)、* The card is not included because it is a new type of IC chip embedded type guarantee. Specification: [Outer pocket]Open pocket x 1 [Inner pocket]Interior zip pocket x 1 Additional info: 2023年 秋冬 新作A69900 Product Condition: BRAND NEW SKU:23102307
Product Details:
*Without Box