Here steering wheel bags are available from CHANEL! The size is XXS of the popularity. It is refined and, with a calm blue color, can catch it casually. As there is the strap, the scene can use it properly in 2way in total. There is a partition inward and can store the accessory beautifully, too! The refined, practical bag which charms you until conduct beautifully. Do you not go out by the clothing that is elegance together? Color:Ashe blue Material:Graind Calf(Caviarskin) Size:W:19cm H:21cm D:9cm Shoulder:119cm Buckle:Champagne Gold HW Accessories:storage bags、Serial random (production after 2021)、* The card is not included because it is a new type of IC chip embedded type guarantee. Specification: [Outer pocket]Open pocket x 1 [Inner pocket]Interior zip pocket x 1、Open pocket x 2 Additional info:AS2215 Product Condition: BRAND NEW SKU:23122511
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