Flat Water Kayak Coaching ** Not offered at this time**
WHAT: Every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm - 8:00pm, June - August we offer a free hour of flatwater kayaking followed by a pot-luck. Come paddle after work with Kayak Academy and friends on Lake Sammamish. A 20 minute Skill Session starts at 6:30 or take a 3-mile fitness paddling trip. River kayakers and Greenland paddlers come practice rolling. It's all good and a great way to stay in shape and meet paddlers for your weekend adventures. Occasionally we have special guests paddle with us; past guests have included Dubside, Freya Hoffmeister, Jamie Sharp, and many other renowned kayakers.
WHERE: Lake Sammamish State Park, Tibbetts Beach.
COST: Free for all Kayak Academy alumni, Mountaineers kayakers, WKC, SSKC, Seattle Meet-up Kayakers, and WWTA members.
Bring your own kayak and wet suit or dry suit. We recommended using a kayak cart for transporting your kayak from the parking lot to the lake. K.A. provides free refreshments and the main dish afterward, please bring a salad, side dish, or appetizer to share.
Beginners need prior safety training - this isn't a guided tour or lesson.
Please click to sign-up -- it's free but we need to know how many are coming.
Liability Form:
Please to go to and fill out our online record and release form.
White-Water Trips
Some Wednesday nights June- July, we offer river kayaking trips. For more info click:
Prerequisites: Kayak safety training (i.e. our RK101or higher, WKC Basic Kayak Course)
Washington State Parks Discover Pass required to drive into the park. or pay by the day at the gate
Location: Tibbitts Beach, L. Sammamish State Park (see map below). Look for the Issaquah Paddle Sports/K.A. shed.
Tuition: Free, if you have your own equipment.
Rental: We have reduced rental rates for these practice sessions, but you must call ahead to make a rental reservation for gear to be picked up at lake.
Instructor: KA Staff and Volunteers
Mark your calendar and come often.